Monday, January 9, 2012

Water, Exercise and Working on My Novel as This Week's Goals

The official Monday weigh-in has me at 255.5, a loss of 6.2 lbs. for the first 9 days. I am more than pleased with that. There were some bumps along the way during the first week-plus but I’ve learned a few things and I’m still here.
I recently read a column by a fellow writer who is also on a weight loss journey, Brett Day. He started his journey in October of 2010. If I am reading his weight ticker thingy correctly, he started at 333 pounds and has lost just over 47 lbs. since he began. In this post, he gives his tips for how to lose and keep the weight the weight off without gimmicks, fads or crazy diets. It is definitely worth reading.
I didn’t get in as much as exercise last week as I had hoped to. My goal is 4 30-minute sessions of cardio this week. I am also committing to at least 2 glasses of water per day. I know that’s only ¼ of what I am supposed to drink but it’s a start and its more than I have been drinking.
In other news, I have decided to finish writing the novel I began for NaNoWriMo in 2009. I got over 33000 words done then and now I am determined to bring it to a conclusion. With the other responsibilities in my life, it will be slow going but that fits right into my “baby steps” approach to life. I think I will include weekly updates on how the novel is proceeding as a way of keeping myself accountable. What do you think?


A Girl and Her eBooks said...

You can do this! Water isn't that hard to drink once you get used to it. Trust me :) It's been a year since I gave up soda and I've only had around 25 ounces of sweet tea this year (NOT giving that up though LOL). I would also love to see your baby steps on finishing up your novel. I'm currently outlining a novella and need the motivation to keep going.

Anonymous said...

You're off to a great start! I am proud of you! Keep it up and you will make huge strides!

Thanks so much for mentioning my article. We can do this together! 2012 is going to be such an awesome year!

All the best,

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Staying accountable helps me with my weight loss goals and I'm sure it will work for writing as well. Keep taking those baby steps!

Circle 8 Anthologies Featuring my Short Stories