Monday, January 24, 2011

Motivational Monday January 24, 2011

Well, it’s hard to feel motivated today. I’ve been “trying” to lose weight for 3 weeks now and due in large part to a nasty, persistent cold/sinus infection, I’ve managed to lose exactly two-tenths of a pound. I know, I know. Down is better than up. Still, I said in large part because during the worst of the cold, I consciously made numerous decisions to eat crap because I was sick, tired, miserable, etc. I knew better.
Today, in spite of sinuses that just won’t quit, I am determined to improve. A support group I belong to, Weight-Shedding Freelancers, has been inspirational. So many of the people in this group have shared their stories, their successes and their setbacks, that it helps knowing I am not the only struggling.
Today I have to work. It means long hours of driving in the car and little chance for movement. It is also supposed to rain a good deal of the day so no finding a place to park and go for a walk. However, tonight is the Zumba class at the library. I missed last week because I was sick. Even though I still can’t breathe, I am going to that class. I have got to kick this into gear. I will not be the only one in support group to reach the one-month mark weighing the same as I did when I started.
My goal this week is simple. I will find a way to work in some kind of exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. That’s it. No excuses. And if I don’t, please feel free to kick me in the ass.


John said...

I'm going to hold you to that!

Suz Alicie said...

I'm right there with ya, being sick has killed my appetite but also my energy for exercising. My two week weigh in this evening should be interesting.

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