Well, it’s been one week since I started treading every day.
I missed one day completely because of work commitments and I did only the
morning session on 2 days. Otherwise I maintained my 2 10-minute sessions
pretty well. As a matter of fact, I bumped them up mid-week to ten and a half
minutes and yesterday I did 11 minutes. I know it’s no great shakes to many but
it is momentous for me.
I weighed in today at 269.9 – exactly 3.5 pounds lower than
last Monday. I did indulge in Chinese takeout one night with leftovers the next
day. And I had a few regular beers to celebrate my husband’s new job, which he
started today. So all things considered, I am satisfied with where I am.
This week I am planning to just continue what I am doing: go
slow and steady, keep exercising and try to make wise food choices. I am not
trying to win a race or hit a deadline. I just want to feel better. And
currently since I only own two pairs of shorts and four shirts that fit, I have
great motivation to lose a few more pounds. When I can fit in my older clothes,
it will feel like I’ve gotten a whole new wardrobe!
I'm so happy for you! I'll bet that the better sleep w/the CPAP has a lot to do with how you feel.
Yes, Marie Anne, the CPAP has everything to do with how good I feel. Before I had absolutely no energy and couldn't even consider trying to exercise.
You rock!
yea for you!!!
Blessings, Joanne
I'm so proud that you are taking good care of yourself. You are awesome and such an inspiration.
Thanks Magena! It has been a long road and it stretches out even longer up ahead but that's ok. It's what we do with the journey that matters most.
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